On September 11, 2001, I was only 10 months old. I don't have any memory of that day. I heard about 9/11 on the anniversary and knew a little about it but I didn't learn detailed information until about 4th or 5th grade. I remember learning about how many people lost their lives and watching innocent people running from debris and trying to get somewhere safe. I remember seeing people in the windows of the building trying to escape and seeing a man holding a flag out of the window in videos. To me this day is a important day because it was a day when 2,996 lives were lost. It was the deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed respectfully. This day did not have an effect on me at the time. As I have gotten older this day has grown to affect me. An effect that makes me anxious to fly in a plane.

This is a picture if the memorial commemorating the September 11 attacks of 2001. The names of the victims are carved into it. This is very important because it helps us to remembers all of the peoples lives that were taken. They will never be forgotten.
This is a picture is of three fire fighters getting a flag out of the debris. This picture shows that no matter what people do to our country are flag will still stand tall.
This is a picture of the people that died during 9/11. These pictures are located in a 9/11 memorial museum. These pictures are important because we should never forget the faces of the people who risked their lives to save others and all of the wonderful people who didn't deserve to die.
This is a picture of the twin towers on fire. This photo affect me because I know that at the time that this photo was taken that there were hundreds of people in that building and not all of them made it
out alive.
Once the planes had crashed into the twin towers and the fire was growing bigger many people jumped out of the windows of the building. These people knew that they weren't going to make it out alive so they jumped instead of burning.
This is a wall with every persons name on it who died during 9/11. This wall is very important. It allows us to remember every person who died that day. No one will ever be forgotten.
This photo shows fire fighters rescuing a man from the building. This shoes that the rescuers were unselfish. They put hundreds of people before themselves. Many rescuers died saving others.
This picture shows people running for their lives to get away from the cloud of dust from the building. Once the first tower fell a large ball of dust covered the city. There was so much dust that you could see it from outer space. Many people died from the dust.
This picture shows people searching for people that could still be alive under all of the dust and debris. Hundreds of people were trapped by the debris of the building. People worked as fast as the could to get to people before it was too late.
On the anniversary of 9/11 hundreds of people gather near the World Trade Center to commemorate the thousands of lives lost that day. Twin beams of light rising from Ground Zero served as a somber reminder of how New York City's skyline was forever changed by the terror attacks.
Photographs affected this time by allowing us to capture this moment. Photographs have allowed us to learn about this event and will allow people in the future to learn about this event. These photographs will allow us to always remember this day and the people that died.