Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Merger of Photojournalism and Ethics

  • I agree with this selection of evidence. They should have been published. This makes the argument more persuasive by giving examples like the fireman holding the baby. 
  • Different people have different opportunities  on what can be published by the media. On one side someone may say that it is to show the real life problems that are being faced on the other hand someone may say this is inappropriate to show. The conclusion is to help you learn about your own personal ethics that help the reader gain insight on perspectives of writers and photojournalism.
  • My perspective of ethics it too post everything. The good. The bad. The ugly. People needed to see what kind of world they are living in. Everyone should be aware of their surroundings.


Oklahoma city bombing

Princess Diana car crash

World War 2


Image result for boston marathon bombing victims legs blown off

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