Chase arrives at school around 12:00 everyday. He’s usually late because he needs his beauty sleep and personally cleans his orange vest that he wears everywhere. Once he arrives, he floats past the office not caring about anyone but himself, doesn’t sign in, and just goes to 5th period. On the way to 5th period Chase floats into a brick pillar and falls to the ground. After he gets himself together from almost dying, he gets a drink of water, and continues to 5th period.
On Chase’s way to 6th period the magical Leah abducts Chase and takes him to another dimension. Leah works for Villain Regan, and she is wanting to do some experiments on Chase. Chase has a power that is rare and that no one has, so Regan is trying to take it so she can take it and destroy and take over the whole world. She plans on making a potion and turning everyone into aliens.
Villain Regan finally gets a hold of Chase. She has a few experiments in mind so she’s just going to try them all. One of them could be deadly but she is going to try it anyway. Leah told Regan to watch out for Chase because people say he’s kind of crazy with the orange vest he wears. Apparently the vest is what gives Chase his rare power that no one has.
Lindsay is the angel of the Gods. She had heard about Chase being captured by Leah and taken to Regan to have experiments done on him. So she used her angely powers to come and rescue Chase. She took him back home, and he now has to live in a cage with 100 locks because Regan is a crazy person and she’s trying to take him again, but he is at home safe now living in his cage.
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