Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Movie Poster Story time

Lindsay is a young 16 year old girl who loves to go on adventures and explore the world. She loves to cliff jump, skydive, and get close to some of the most dangerous predators in the world. Lindsay will go on and adventure and explore to fined the human horse that lives only in the remote forest of Brazil. On her adventure she will encounter multiple wild bigfoot’s, the most dangerous snakes in the world, the tallest cliff in Brazil, cold nights all alone and much more. She will have to provider herself with her own food and make a shelter out of what she can find or she will have to sleep on the cold forest floor. Lindsay will do some of the most dangerous things in the world just to find the rare human horse. While Lindsay is in the forest she encounters a large wild Great Black Bushy Bear who loves the smell of vanilla which is really bad for Lindsay because her perfume is vanilla. She gets cornered in a cave by the Great Black Bush Bear and has no one to help her and has no idea what to do. What will Lindsay do next? Will she escape and find the human horse or will this be last of her?

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